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Evolving software testing towards quality engineering.

By July 27, 2020November 9th, 2022Insights & Perspectives

Testing has evolved very much since the time software development came into existence, yet the real appeal continues to be in actual software or application development – perceived as developing applications to ‘real’ business problems while testing is considered necessary evil.

IMSS approaches testing differently which meant to evolve software development towards continuous delivery which means it also requires continuous testing.

Continuous testing at IMSS involves a different way of thinking about quality. We think and take the process beyond just testing and transform ourselves to quality engineering. Quality engineering integrates all the aspects from testing, agile development and devops. It takes broader ideas around what it takes to develop and deliver quality software.

Quality engineering tries to minimize manual testing and scripted testing and significantly takes advantage of automation technologies and practices to drive continuous testing as manual testing is simply not fast enough to enable continuous testing. It complies with the devops methodologies that drive the software development process.

This new quality engineering approach and the associated roles are far more attractive than conventional testing practices and roles. The role requires development skills, automation skills, understanding of analytics and AI principles. And it creates the much required sense of ownership making the otherwise cash out test engineers to “quality owners”.

As ML and AI penetrate deeper into quality engineering moving beyond automation of repetitive tasks into automating core decision making activities and self-healing techniques, the future of quality engineering sure looks exciting.

Ask yourself these questions.

  • How do you ensure speed to market, superior quality, & ROI
  • Do you practise effective Agile and DevOps testing involves practices such as ‘shift left’ and continuous testing
  • Which teams in your company are ready to transform themselves? What processes might they redesign? Who can lead the project? Who will champion it? Who will benefit from it?

No matter how near or far down the path of evolving your company you are, IMSS Quality Assurance Services can guide you toward the future while learning from the past.

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